FIRST STOP : Myth of the Human Body - The Fort
I found this exhibit really creepy, knowing for a fact that the museum used real human bodies, preserved in a way that the bodies would not have a terrible stench and that the bodies would not dilapidate, they also arranged the bodies into sporty positions as to feature how our muscles are stretched as we do different activities, especially when we play certain sports. The bodies are all of Chinese decent, as mentioned by the tour guide and among the entire exhibit, only two were European. One of the highlights of the museum is featuring various kinds of internal organs, from its healthy state to its worse, due to poor diet and vices such as smoking and alcoholism.
Another was a disturbing exhibit of the different stages of a baby's transformation, and even possible causes of death. Most of them, if not premature, stillborn, or overdue were aborted as abortion is legal in China. I could barely look at the poor babies encased in thick glass, some are even cut in half as to show what was inside them and some even showed tumors which caused their deaths. Well, that was the last part of the exhibit, thank God, but the best highlight I must say is the thin red veins that forms the human body. I have no idea how the people behind the exhibit managed to pull those things off a dead body, nor how they managed to put those fragile things in a thick glass, but all I know is that, it was really amazing.
It is a really wonderful (but creepy) experience, if you ask me. It really was made for learning, no matter how some parts made my tummy churn in a funny way.
LUNCH : Mall of Asia - Pasay
We had lunch with Abby and Felice at KFC and we tried to catch up with each other's life, but an hour is definitely not enough, but we had to bid each other good bye after lunch. Having half an hour more of free time, Abby, Felice and I roamed around the mall and had coffee at our favorite coffee shop before finally going to the meeting place to get settled for our next destination...
Manila Ocean Park - Roxas Boulevard
After the bird show, we watched sea lions do cool random tricks. They really are funny, and I find them really cute as well. I felt like hugging them tight ha-ha, I think they're cuddly despite of how they smell. They are smart animals too, they're practically more human to me than monkeys. Harmless and cute creatures... le sigh. I just could not help but fall in love with sea lions. We watched a sea lion show right after that, which made me want to take photos with them but it's just darn too expensive. T.T
Our tour eventually ended with a Musical Fountain Show, and I must say it' a perfect way to end a very tiring (yet fun) day. I would really love to go back to Ocean Park but next time with my fiance...